The Child Training Bible (CTB) Part 2!


It has been a couple months now that I have been using the CTB (Child Training Bible).  In simple terms, it is an amazing tool!  I must admit that I do not use it all the time.  However there is a notable difference in my Muppin’s behavior when I do!  And the only reason I don’t use it all the time is simply that I can be lazy… sigh.  I need to work on that 😉

I found out about CTB about 4 months ago and it truly intrigued me.  I mean really, use the Bible as a source of correction and growing up our kids?  Who would have ever thought of that?  Oh yeah, God!  lol  He is the most perfect parent and if we just lean on Him we can do what we need to as parents.  Anyway… I wanted one the first time I saw it.

Now the CTB takes a bit of work to put together but it is really pretty easy.  To see my thoughts on assembling the CTB click this link to my first review ~ The Child Training Bible (CTB)

When you order from CTB you don’t actually get a Bible, you get the CTB Chart Set but on that same order page there are convenient links to all the other supplies you will need as well.  You will need to get a Bible, and the Charts only fit a particular size so I recommend using the links on CTB‘s site to find one right for you.  You will also need highlighters or pens and tabs.  It is really pretty simple.

The idea behind CTB is when your child is acting in a way that isn’t Godly, such as arguing, then you go to the CTB and read to them the verses that talk about that and help them learn that they need to act differently because God created them to be different.  For a great video tutorial check it out here ~ CTB Video Tutorial.

For me, once my daughter was upset because she had been called on her attitude or whatever the situation was, it worked but didn’t have the desired affect I was hoping for.  So this is what I did.  Each day I took a section and we read the verses together in the morning, when we were both in a great mood.  We talked about them and discussed why they were good and why God wants us all to act in such a way to bring Glory to Him.  This seem to have the most influence on her.  During our time reading together she would bring up things she has done in the past that went against what we were reading and she had real remorse.  During the day she seems to stop herself quicker and she is easier to guide.

So for us this has been an amazing tool even though I had to use it slightly different than the way it is intended.  For my daughter I had to be proactive instead of just reactive.

CTB has truly been a blessing in our home.  I pray you take the time to check it out, I believe you will be blessed.  Thanks Mindy Dunn for letting the Lord work through you to create CTB.

If you have used CTB I would love to hear your feedback.  If you use something else to help bring your children into awareness of their behavior I would love to find out about that too!  God bless!

Disclaimer ~ I received the Child Training Bible Chart Set for free in order to provide you with this review.  However, all of these thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own and have been given with all honesty.  Thank you!

Homeschool Freedom – Beware of Shiny Things!

How many times have I tried to veer from the course that has been laid ahead of me?  Homeschooling is that course and sometimes I feel like there are a million different avenues that sit before me that can “help” me homeschool my child.  There is always a new book, new method, new computer program, new teaching philosophy, a new something.

charis horse studyOne can get caught up in all the bright shiny new things that continually come along and before you know it you feel terrible because you didn’t buy this or that and you feel completely confused.  You feel you lost out because you didn’t see that new method before you started the one you have.  Before long you “think” you  have done it all wrong and your child is now going to suffer because that new curriculum you purchased last year to help her through her learning isn’t good enough. It isn’t as awesome as the new one that you are looking at right now that just popped up in your email for only $399.00!

It is so easy for us as parents to see all the bells and whistles of the new and improved things out there and think they are better than what we have, and you know what??? Who cares!!!!  Our children learned quite well for thousands of years without iPads, iphones and brightly colored curriculum.  Our kids thrived and learned while lying on a blanket outside in the grass drawing what they saw.  We need to remember that we found good things in what we purchased for our kids in the first place and those things will do their job and everyone will be happy.  We need not stress over all the shiny new stuff that is thrown at us each and every day.

We need to teach our kids to stay the course, not because we said so, but because we did so ourselves.  Our kids watch everything we do and repeat it.  Let’s teach them to repeat good things!  Our kids will thrive and flourish with what we have to offer and if we don’t offer them the new and improved method, it is not going to rob them one bit.  Our kids are learners without our help.  And if we stop putting so much emphasis on a particular method and instead make the journey interesting, informative and even fun (you know, the process of learning)… they will see that when they stay with something, no matter what that something is… there is value and they will go far.

School With a View!

school with a viewSchool has gone much smoother since we moved Muppin’s desk in front of the window!  She now has school with a view!  Instead of dark rooms lit with light-bulbs (it is dark in the Pacific Northwest when it is the rainy season) she now gets natural light and she gets to stare out at our beautiful yard and watch birds, our dog and the weather!  She has several acres of country to look at and even though there is a lot to see, she is more eager to do her work and will do it for a longer period.  She adores seeing God’s beauty while she learns.

Who knew all one needed to do was give a child beauty to help them learn!?  Oh, I guess Charlotte Mason and John Holt might have.. hehe…

If your kids are having trouble learning or staying focused try something like it yourself.  Her desk may now be in the kitchen which is not the most attractive place for it, but most definitely the best place.

Gratitude things have happened in my life that would not necessarily warrant the word Gratitude.  I have spent many days working, healing, praying and changing from the woman I once was to the woman I now am, yet not yet the woman I hope to be.  As with anyone I have seen my fair share of trials, puzzles and literal nightmares.

I have also seen joy, relief, happiness, freedom, love, miracles and success.

As Thanksgiving slowly moves into the background and Christmas pounces forward I do not want to forget what it is I have to be thankful for, I want to continue with a heart of Gratitude.

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I am married to an amazing man who loves me!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because my husband is my best friend!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I am a mother to the most precious little girl in the world!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I am allowed to homeschool my daughter and see how she flourishes because of it, not in spite of it!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I have never had to sleep on the streets or eat from garbage cans!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I have never had to lay in bed suffering from a cancer that cannot be cured!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I have never had to suffer a loss so deep that I couldn’t not recover from!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I have friends and a church who truly cares!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because I live in a country where I am free to worship the God of my choice without the penalty of death!

I will have a heart of Gratitude because the Son of God came down to earth and died for my sins giving me a way to still dwell with the Father for all of eternity!

Without Gratitude…  there would be no life…  all would be lost…  It is because of Gratitude I am free no matter what trials, puzzles or nightmares come my way.

“Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe…”  Hebrews 12:28

Crazy Busy New Year

That title definitely describes my year so far!  Crazy Busy!  Homeschool is started back up, ballet is going again, plus Cheerleading and going to the basketball games to cheer!  Family lives closer, Bible study is starting up and my homeschool group is getting back into the swing of things.

Busy but blessed!

Here are some pictures of our little cheer princess!  We love her so much!

cheer 5

For a little introvert she is loving her time cheering!  She has amazing coaches and an amazing group of girls to cheer with.  I am thankful our church (Living Water) has chosen to use Upwards Sports as a way to reach our community and to bless our kids.

What have you been up to since school has started back up?

To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool! (part 2)

Yesterday I wrote about how we came to the point where we felt we needed to do something different than school.  During the time of wondering how I could possibly help my daughter I was pouring my heart out to someone and they mentioned homeschooling.  I must admit when I first heard her speak of homeschooling fear overcame me.  “I am not qualified to teach daughter… I don’t even know how to start… My daughter would drive me crazy or I would drive her crazy… What in the world will happen to my daughter if I choose to do it?.. Won’t my daughter be scarred for life?..”  On and on the fear-filled questions went.  And I must also admit that those questions still come from time to time.

But as I researched the subject, literally spending hundreds of hours going to dozens of blogs, dozens of websites that were for and against homeschooling, and dozens of curriculum websites, not to mention speaking to people in person, I have found that everyone who makes this decision goes through the same kind of stress and worries when trying to come up with the right decision for their child and family.  That was a comfort.  What has been more comfort are the statistics I have found while doing my research.

Homeschooling with a View!

Homeschooling with a View!

If you look at the education aspect alone, homeschoolers test much higher on average than traditional school kids.  They transition into the non-school world much better and high ranked colleges are now recruiting homeschoolers because they work better on their own, have more original ideas and are more self-motivated.  They know how to learn and love it.  That was enough to get me to thinking more earnestly.

Then the next thing that I researched was how it would affect my family and its dynamics.  Would we get closer or would it drive a wedge between us.  That was exciting to read about as well because blog after blog, story after story, book after book all I found was that the bond between children and parents and siblings was strengthened and sealed on a deeper level than ever before.  It was a lifestyle, not just school.   I wanted that too!

Then there was the social aspect.  I have been asked many times, “How do you socialize your kids?”  Asking as if I have my daughter locked in the closet until it is time for school then shove her back in there after it is over.  Most homeschoolers are very social and very active, quite a bit more than the normal family.  And their activities revolve around kids of all ages as well as adults and people of all different lifestyle backgrounds.  In regular school, kids are stuck in a class of kids all the same age from the same area of town… homeschooling seemed to be better at teaching your child how to communicate and have fun in all kinds of situations (unless you of course locked them in the closet all day except when homeschooling).  😉

My daughter has learned how to play nice not only with kids her own age but older kids and younger ones.  She has learned how to have fun with seniors and adults of all ages.  She has helped feed the poor and do other kind things for people.  Not saying that kids in school don’t learn these things as well, just that homeschoolers do too and it can often be the focus.

When I started to see all the opportunities and possibilities, far more than I could share here, I started to get excited… very excited!  It wasn’t how I ever expected to feel when the word homeschooling was ever mentioned.

During this whole time we asked the Lord to weigh in on the subject.  Because without His leading where would we be? We knew that if we listen to God, researched wisely, made no rash decisions that we would be able to come to the right decision for our family.  God knows what is best for us, and He will guide our every path during this decision.  God has also given us very strong command to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6.  It is our responsibility to make sure our kids learn, even and especially if they go to public school.  Homeschooling puts that responsibility square in your lap, and that can be a very good thing for our kids.

We have been homeschooling for just over a year now.  It was the best decision we ever made.  Our daughter is flourishing in school, she loves it!  She has friends, family and faith to fill her life.  And she can play in the snow all she wants, because I am the teacher and when I say schools over, it is!  Even if it is only 10:00am  😉

If you are thinking of homeschooling, remember that other people’s experiences are vital.  Research is a must.

Knowing your family is imperative.  But if you do not consult the Lord through it all, then you are flying by the seat of your pants.  You may end up doing the right thing, but not without a lot of stress, heartache and bumps that could have been avoided along the way.  I pray you are able to make the right decision for your family with God’s help.  If I can ever answer any questions I am more than happy to do my best.

Thank you for listening to our story.  God bless and have a wonderful New Year!!!

To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool (part 1)

Wow, life brings us to strange places, places we would never have expected to be.  Some are good and some… not so much.  We have a beautiful eight year old daughter and if you would have asked me 8 years ago if I would ever consider homeschooling the answer would have been a resounding NO!  Be careful, because those things you say no to could end up being maybes, then they might just turn into a great big old yes.   And that yes just might come to you louder than the before-mentioned NO.

I have often been asked why we chose to homeschool.  And if I am not asked why when they find out I get this sideways look as if I am one of the strangest creatures on earth.  What is going through their head???  Do they think I am crazy for homeschooling or are they fascinated and just too afraid to ask?  I will never know and just smile and move on.

Well, some things did happen to urge me and my husband to consider homeschooling.  First, it was incredibly painful for me to leave my daughter all day long at school with someone else.  I love my daughter, surely I was meant to have more time with her!  Right???  I remember crying daily after I dropped her off wondering if I would be able to handle her being gone every single day.  It took years to get pregnant, and I felt as if I was already being forced to give her to someone else.  It was painful, as most parents, I love my daughter deeply.

She loved school to begin with and had no problems for the first couple of months.  Then it started, she went through a lot of teasing for being small, which is of course something you can help your child work through even though it is painful to see their tears.  Then came the bullying.  Two boys got physically abusive with her.  One was a minor situation that was handled and taken care of immediately never to happen again.  But the other boy caused much more trouble than the first one.  He was choking her on a regular basis and ended up picking her up throwing her down on the ground on her head which resulted in a neck injury.

Now through all this we were “working” with the school to get the situation resolved and were assured more than once that it was being handled.  The boy was being watched and wasn’t going to be allowed anywhere near her without supervision.  But clearly that was not happening.  By the third semester when I would pick my daughter up from school she would get migraines and as we would drive home she would scream, cry and hold her head because it would hurt so much.  The joy of going to school and learning was gone.  She didn’t love learning anymore, or being at school.  My baby was miserable all day, everyday… except on the weekends when she would let her guard down and feel free.

And before you ask, yes we did take her to the doctor and his diagnosis was stress related migraines.  Remove the stress, they will leave.  How do you remove a stress when you are not there to make sure it doesn’t happen?  It was all I could do to take her to school and drop her off and often I sat in the parking lot waiting and praying for her until the day was over.  Many prayers went to heaven over this situation!

Like many other parents though, I felt I had no other choice.  Children HAVE to go to school.  It is the law.  Many tears flowed.  And that is when my search began … what was I going to do to protect my child and get her to love learning again?  What was I allowed to do???  Check back tomorrow to see more of our journey!

What was your journey to homeschooling?  How did you come to the decision to take your child’s education and happiness into your own hands?

Let it Snow!

We have had snow twice this year already!  So exciting!  We started school up again today since we took most off the month of December of due to helping the grandparents move from out of state to here and just lots of things going on.  So my Muppin was crushed when she saw it snowing and had to do school work.  LOL

However, I am not that hard a task-master 😉  She has played in the snow three times today so far!  She is a happy camper.  See with homeschooling, you can have snow days and school at the same time!

Happy Snow Day!  Blessings to all of you!

Here is my little Muppin!

Here is my little Muppin!