Thankful Thursday!

Today I writing about some of the things I am thankful for!  Not all, because they are far too many.

1st ~ I am thankful that after a harsh cold I am starting to feel better.  I pray I continue to and don’t fall backwards.

2nd ~ I am grateful for my daughter and her love for horses.  We got to spend the whole weekend at a horse show allowing her to experience something she has been hoping to do for a very long time!  What a pure blessing!  She received a 2nd, 3rd and 4th place ribbon for her efforts!  Way to go Muppin!

My beautiful girl getting ready for her Showmanship class!

Rico is the horse my daughter is blessed to be able to use. What a beautiful boy he is and how good he is to her too! She loves him dearly!

Even when his tail was frustrating him he is a good boy and Muppin kept her calm and made sure she let him know it was all ok. They are a great team.

3rd ~ I am grateful that it is the first day of spring!!!!  It hasn’t been a harsh winter for us, but I am ready for all the beauty spring has for us… it is already starting in my back yard!

Please note, this and all other photos are copyrighted. Please do not use without permission.

Please note, this and all other photos are copyrighted. Please do not use without permission.

What are you thankful for?  What causes you to smile and long for more?  I would love to hear from you!