The Ultimate Artist

Both of these pictures are taken from my back porch.  The top one taken only moments before the bottom one.  One with oranges and one with purples!  Each absolutely beautiful in their own way.  God is the true Master Creator!

Do you see Him that way?

sunset 1Fix your eyes on Him, because though there is so much in the world we do not understand, He has shown us through His creation that He is good and He is still working today.  He wants to work in your life just the same way He works in the beauty of His creation!

Do you believe He does?

sunset 2You are a creation more beautiful than all the beautiful sunsets you could imagine.  You were created in His image!  You were created for greatness… to be loved… to be cherished… to be fought for.  Jesus fought for you!  He died for you.  Finally, He rose from the dead for you… He did all this so that you could live with HIM forever, because He loved you more than all the other things he had created.  He wants to be with you every single day.

Will you hear Him?

REALITY Blog Award!!!

Maleko’s Art so graciously bestowed the REALITY Blog Award to Grace Unveiled on December 2, 2012.


Grace Unveiled graciously accepts this most coveted of blog awards, not to take anything away from the other awards.  But with every award there is the fine print so now let’s take a moment to examine the criteria for acceptance.

Grace Unveiled is. . .

Real: And the stories, the reviews, the writings, the photography and the devotionals are all from my real life…

Energizing: Is here to spread hope and show God’s love to all that pass this way and to show the world that being a stay-at-home, homeschooling wife has a lot more responsibility, fun and a much higher calling that sitting in front of a TV eating popcorn… 😉

Amazing: Sends you away knowing that God has your back, loves you and will never leave you behind…

Lovely: Is committed to sharing what is beautiful about God in our everyday lives…

Inspiring: What is more inspiring than grace?  That is what we live, life inside a grace-filled home…

Touching: Has been hurt too, and the Lord has been faithful throughout and because of that sometimes it can get deep…

Yippee: God is good, all the time…. all the time!!!

With every award comes RULES!

1.) Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post. DONE!
2.) Add the award logo to your blog. DONE!
3.) Share 7 things about yourself. SEE BELOW!
3.) Nominate 5 – 10 or more bloggers you admire. SEE BELOW!
4.) Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know. CHECK YOUR BLOG! WATCH FOR A TWEET!
5.) Optional questions. (I am not sure on this one, lucky you!)

7 “tidbits of trivia” about me:

  • Loyal – Never give up
  • Broken & Redeemed – God always makes what has been broken stronger when redeemed
  • Tender & loving – I feel things deeply, love deeply, hurt deeply, laugh deeply,
  • Adventurous – love the wilderness
  • Caring – People mean something and their pain is real, even if not to you
  • Honest – Even if it hurts, but always in love
  • Thankful – Without my God, I would be broken beyond repair, without my husband I would be lost in the dark, without my daughter I would have never found joy… thankful!

Grace Unveiled bestows the Reality Blog Award to:

Cheryl @ Burning Fire Shut Up In My Bones

Kellie @ Kellie Elmore

Kelly @ The Nourishing Home

The Chicks @ The Homeschool Chicks

Heather @ Sprittibee